Experience liberty work in its truest form.

Elsa Sinclair’s unique approach is grounded in a simple yet powerful principle: "When we train and work with our horses without the use of tools or food rewards, they have the freedom to express, in every moment, how comfortable they are. And if it’s not comfortable, they simply walk away."

Have you ever wondered how YOUR horse would behave if it had the freedom to choose? Elsa Sinclair explored this very question with her wild mustang mare, Myrnah. Over the course of one year of intensive work – with no food rewards, tools, or pressure – an extraordinary relationship developed, founded on trust and respect. Myrnah always had the
freedom to decide whether or not to connect with Elsa, and by the end of the year, she willingly allowed herself to be ridden without a bridle, saddle, or any other equipment. This groundbreaking experiment was captured in the award-winning film Taming Wild , which serves as the foundation for Elsa’s revolutionary approach: Freedom-Based Training. It’s not just about training – it’s about creating a true partnership where the horse has the freedom to make decisions at any given moment.

Elsa’s approach allows horses the freedom to move and respond to cues at their discretion, fostering a deeper bond and mutual trust between horse and human. This method emphasizes building a strong, trusting relationship, where horses choose to engage based on their comfort and willingness.

Why should you attend?
Elsa’s method offers the horse a genuine choice – a freedom that strengthens the bond of trust between human and animal, leading to a more emotionally stable relationship. In this workshop, you will learn how to truly understand your horse. Discover how a horse, filled with joy and trust, chooses to connect with you, and how meaningful relationships are built without pressure.

What to expect?
Taming Wild Workshop
Day 1 Understanding Horses
On the first day, we explore what makes each horse unique and the common traits they share with one another.
Day 2 Exploring Safety
Day two focuses on understanding how horses feel safe and how we can enhance their sense of safety with us.
Day 3 – Hierarchy of Needs
Horses, as a different species, have vastly different priorities than humans. We’ll explore how we balance a horse’s needs with our own in a harmonious and meaningful way.
Day 4 – The Principles of Freedom in the Real World
Once we understand how horses would choose to relate to humans in freedom, we can apply this knowledge to better navigate the everyday moments when the horse has less freedom.

These principles can elevate the quality of life for both you and your horse, positively impacting all training styles and disciplines.

Workshop Fees:
• $900 for 4 days of participation (horse provided)
• $350 for 4 days of auditing and participation in all discussions
• $100 per day for auditing and participation in all discussions

Open to all experience levels: From beginners to advanced horse enthusiasts, Elsa provides valuable insights for everyone.

Location: Wild Mustang Ranch, Lyons, GA
Date: October 25-28, 2025
Interested? Contact: [email protected]

This is your opportunity to elevate your relationship with your horse and learn from one of the leading experts in the horse world. We look forward to welcoming you to this special workshop at the Wild Mustang Ranch.

Please bring your lunch! Meals are not included in the price.

Accommodation: On-site accommodation is available at the ranch on a first-come, first- served basis. Please email us for more details.

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